
RNM General Slide Dark

Bible Study

We believe God intended life to be lived in community.  While our worship services are great for worship and hearing the Word of God, the weekly Bible Study time is where we build close relationships, bear one another’s burdens, and learn what it means to follow Jesus in our daily lives.  

Please visit the Rightnow Media section of our website for detail about the current Bible Study

To Join the Bible study please click the link below at 7:00 PM on Tuesday



To view the monthly Prayer Guide click the link below.

OneCry Monthly Prayer Guide


To View our prayer and declaration for Canada clink the link below

Prayer for Leaders and Nation

Ladies Bible Study

Ladies' Ministry

For more information on studies and special events, please email Ladies Ministry


Children’s Ministry

Jesus said "Let the little children come to me." One of JCF’s primary goals is to lead children to Jesus, therefore Children’s Church is a fun, up-beat service that includes music, games and a bible lesson. It’s for kids 3 years old through 5th grade, and takes place at 11 AM during our Sunday morning worship service. Please email Children's Ministry for more information



JCF has been supporting WEC International Ministry since 1988.  WEC International takes the good news to the peoples and nations who have yet to hear it: the good news that Christ came to bring forgiveness of sins and peace with God, and to displace hatred with love. 


We are also pleased to support the National House of Prayer in Ottawa.  The National House of Prayer helps to mobilize informed and sustained prayer for all government leaders and the decisions they make. They seek to build a bridge between our government leaders and caring Christians from across Canada, and seek to see God influence these leaders with a perspective of righteousness that would bless them as they serve our nation.